Course Overview

Program Length: 3 Hours

Materials Needed: Desktop, Mobile Device, Zoom App, Internet Access, Quiet Learning Space

Certificate of Completion: Yes


Professional email communication is utilized around the world as a primary tool for exchanging ideas, strategies, and directives. You will learn the skills to write professionally in your business emails. This program teaches email etiquette and best practices for communicating respectfully with different people. 

You will learn:

  • Describe how to determine purpose of and the intended audience for your email.
  • Define the role of email in the workplace in the context of time and type of information to be shared.
  • Understand when another mode of communication would be more effective than email. 
  • Discuss best practices for communicating the intended message through email.
  • Distinguish the difference between being concise and being brief
  • Recognize the basics of writing professional emails.
  • Understand how to organize an email for efficient reading.
  • Identify techniques to review email drafts for appropriateness.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course Overview

    • (WATCH FIRST) Setting up Your Virtual Classroom

Please Read Before Enrolling:

We use Zoom to teach our courses.

All of our courses are taught through Zoom. You will need to download the app on your mobile device and create an account to have the maximum experience of our courses. Upon completing your registration of your course, you will be given further enrollment instructions by email and placed within your first lesson.

Group rates available!

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